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Women's Ministry Summer Study 2015

Summer Study 2015

Wednesday Evenings, July 8 - August 12 from 7-9 p.m. 

Connie Byers & Karen Hayes will guide our evenings.  We’ll have fellowship, a DVD, then Connie or Karen will share personally and bring a message specifically for our women, and then we’ll have discussions at our tables. Sign up now!

This 6-week study explores what the Bible says about the many ways we are to use our words and the times when we are to remain silent. Karen Ehman addresses using our speech to interact with friends, co-workers, family, and strangers as well as in the many places we use our words: in private, in public, online, and in prayer. Even the words we say silently to ourselves. She will address unsolicited opinion slinging, speaking the truth in love, not saying words just to please people, and dealing with our verbal anger.

Register HERE