The pandemic has been hard for everyone, but we know that parents with kids at home have faced specific challenges over the past year.
We are grateful to be bringing in Adam Young, a gifted counselor, social worker, and podcaster, for a zoom session for our community to help us name the ruptures in their relationships with our kids (or even other family members). We’ll also explore how to partner with God in the process of addressing and repairing those ruptures through the lens of the Gospel narrative.
This is not just for families with young or teen kids. The concepts in this webinar are equally applicable to parents with adult children.
WHAT IT IS: We are offering two identical 60-minute zoom sessions with Adam. Each session is identical so that parents with young children can swap childcare, and both can benefit from the session.
SESSION 1: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. || SESSION 2: 11:00 - 12:00 p.m.
30-minutes of Adam teaching about:
how your parenting is influenced by your story
why your children push your buttons (and what to do about it)
what to do when you realize that you have harmed your children
30-minutes of Q & A
COST: $5 per couple (price includes access to both sessions)