Sundays, July 9–August 13, 10:00 a.m.
Classroom C/D
This summer study is an opportunity for a few of our mission partners to share about the different ways they have witnessed Kingdom renewal through their work and invite us to more fully engage in this work as well. Together, we'll look at the ways that the kingdom has come, even as we await its fulfillment and the ways we can participate in the kingdom work of renewal.
Our Schedule:
July 9: Jonathan Chan with CHAT
July 16: Names withheld for security
July 23 : Sarah Hale with Urban Hope
July 30: Joseph Kishore, India
August 6: Names withheld for security
August 13: Jimmie Massie, UK
This is an intergenerational class! Best suited for 5th grade through adults.
Starting July 9, kids younger than 5th grade will also have Summer Sunday school during the ten o’clock hour.
Child care for Little Lambs and younger will continue to be available for the entire morning (no structured teaching just playtime).
Little Lions, Little Eagles, and Kindergarten will meet in the Little Lions classroom.
1st through 4th will be meet together in the 4th grade classroom.
Please contact Blair if you have any questions about where your child should be during the Sunday school hour this summer.