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Parent to Parent Coffee & Conversation

Honest conversation, Real Community

Join other parents for this evening of candid conversation about the topics we've been looking at recently. 

Thursday, April 6
7:00 - 9:00 p.m. 
Room 132 (Student Ministry Area)

At the conclusion of both the 5-week Real Sex class and our Student Ministry series on sex and sexuality, this is an opportunity for parents to gather, to speak candidly, and to share their struggles and strategies as they raise their children.

Staff will be on hand, but we hope parents will share openly, in a casual setting.  This is not a night of teaching and has no agenda except to be a place for honest conversation-- a time to process all of the recent teaching and conversation. 

No registration needed, but please let us know if you're coming by emailing Tracie or Andrea.

Questions? Contact Tracie Meadows or Andrea Woie 

Earlier Event: April 2
Parent & Child Communion Class
Later Event: April 7
Women's First Friday Fellowship