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Parent Forum

Join us for our first Parent Forum! 
January 20, 2016 | 6:30 - 8:00 pm | Sanctuary

How can parents, grandparents, and other Christian adults speak into the messy culture that surrounds our children?  Third Church family and student ministry wants to equip parents to think Christianly in an ever-increasing secular society and empower them to address tough issues with their children.

We invite you to attend a parent forum on Wednesday, January 20th from 6:30 – 8:00pm in the Sanctuary.  This event is targeted for parents with children in 5th grade and older. We will ask you to submit questions here on this site, and our panel will help answer questions and offer counsel and guidance that night.

Our panelists include:

  • Corey Widmer, lead Pastor at Third
  • Rick Hutton, Associate Pastor for Student Ministry
  • Dr. Jera Nelson Cunningham, Licensed Clinical Psychologist 
  • Nan Clarke, Parish Associate, Mother, and Grandmother

The panel will address common themes and questions that they hear directly from you. If you'd like to submit your own questions to be considered by our panel, use this form here. 

If you have questions, contact Tracie Meadows.

Earlier Event: January 14
Newcomers Class - January 2016
Later Event: January 23
Common Good RVA Conference