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Meet our Mission Partner: Gregg and Kathryn Donley

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Come to out to this (free!) lunch to catch up with Gregg and Kathryn Donley, with WEC International!

Sunday, November 17
12:30 p.m. | Room 101

Come to this (free!) lunch on Sunday, Nov. 17 in Room 101 to hear an update on the Donley’s ministry.

Gregg spends much of his time overseas evangelizing the lost, discipling baby Christians, guiding the fledgling fellowship, training the young Pastor and more mature men, and teaching them to live a life of faith. He is working to coordinate efforts for greater effectiveness and fruitfulness among UDP (Unreached Displaced Peoples) harvest opportunities. He is also involved in mobilization/advocacy, missions, prayer and evangelism programs  in several local churches.

No RSVP is necessary to attend the luncheon.

Questions? Contact Rebecca Hatton.