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Holy Week: Maundy Thursday

  • Third Church 600 Forest Ave Richmond, VA 23229 USA (map)

Maundy Thursday

Thursday, April 1
Broadcast at 7:00 p.m.

Our Maundy Thursday service will begin with the Lord’s Supper and follow Jesus’s passion from there, to his trial, conviction, crucifixion, death, and burial through the reading of the Gospel of Matthew and musical reflection.

This service will be in the tradition of “tenebrae,” which is Latin for “darkness”. As we move through the story and closer to Christ’s death, the service itself will become darker through the snuffing of candles.

Participate With Us

Please prepare by gathering the elements for communion and lighting seven candles at the beginning of the service. As we move through the service, we will collectively snuff our candles as we journey with Christ to the tomb and experience the darkness of the shadow of death until we gather back together on Easter morning.