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Lessons & Carols


Sunday, December 2
7:00 p.m. | Sanctuary

The service of Lessons and Carols tells the story of Jesus through scripture readings, visual arts, instrumental music and the singing of carols. Our musicians lead the service in the sanctuary, interweaving ancient and modern worship traditions.

It is a great opportunity to begin the Advent season reflecting on scripture and praying for God's coming son. Read more about our Lessons and Carols service here.  

Childcare available for kindergarten and younger. 

What can you expect at our Lessons and Carols Service?

1) You Will Hear God’s Word
Lessons and Carols is the story of God’s plan for the salvation of mankind as revealed in His Word. That story begins with the Genesis account of the fall of Adam and Eve and concludes with the Word made flesh in the first chapter of John. Each reading is followed by one or more carols, allowing for further meditation on the text. You will leave a Lessons and Carols service veritably drenched in Biblical language.

2) You Will Sing, and Singing Is Good
A Lessons and Carols service is a unique opportunity to hear and sing songs that the larger culture mostly ignores. The world needs hope and what better time to sing songs which anticipate the coming of our Lord, Jesus?

3) You Will Unite with Christians Across Time and Space
You will be united across time and space, not just with those standing at your left and right, but with Christians around the world both today and in the past who have listened to the same readings and sung the same texts

4) You Will Be Transported to Another World
You will be transported to a world removed from the one with which you contend on a daily basis. The Incarnation is the most mind-blowing, awe-inspiring event in the history of the universe, and we Christians can sometimes be strangely casual about it. The other-worldliness of Lessons and Carols is a great antidote to such casualness. It will plop you down in the middle of that long-ago field with the shepherds and remind you of what it means to be sore afraid before trumpeting the amazing news that you need fear not because the message is one that brings good tidings of great joy for all people. Set aside an hour this Christmas season, and give yourself and your family a gift that will cost absolutely nothing but will immeasurably enrich your spirit throughout the year ahead.

Earlier Event: November 25
2018 Family Advent Celebration
Later Event: December 4
Women's Christmas Dinner