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February Term 2021: Love and the Justice of God


In the past year, we have been confronted by some true giants of injustice. We have also learned that responding to injustice is no simple matter. In fact, for many of us, the very topic of justice has sparked conflict and confusion. 

The God who is love calls us to love. The same God, who is just, calls us to do justice. And according to Scripture, separating love and justice from God’s character is impossible. This also means we cannot, and must not, separate love and justice from the life of his Church. So, if the body of Christ is meant to be the embodiment of God’s life in the world, then we have a lot to learn about what the Bible has to say about love and justice. 

Here are some of the questions we will wrestle with during these four weeks:

  • What is biblical justice? 

  • Are all approaches to justice equally valid? 

  • How should we engage the suffering we see in the world? 

  • What difference should this make in my everyday life? 

  • How can my parish group/accountability group/bible study begin to embody God's heart for justice? 

 We hope this Feb. Term will draw you more deeply into who God is, what he loves, and who he is calling us to be as his people.


Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28
9:00 am
Zoom Link:
(PW: 478901)

All classes will be recorded and made available for download at a later date.

Bethany Hoang

Bethany Hoang

 Topics & Recordings:

Donnell Woodson

Donnell Woodson

Earlier Event: January 17
Newcomers Class: January 2021
Later Event: February 17
Ash Wednesday Service 2021