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Fall 2021 Sunday Discipleship Classes: Block 2

6-weeks: October 31 - December 12*
Sunday Mornings, 10:00 a.m.
*No class Sunday, November 28
Read below for classes that offer a Zoom option!


Sundays, 10:00 a.m., Multi-Purpose Room, 500 Forest Avenue
Led by: Mary Damon

Are we practicing half-brained Christianity? Join us for a provocative discussion of The Other Half of Church and as we seek to engage the missing ingredients for transformational spiritual growth. (This study will span 2 blocks)


Sundays, 10:00 a.m. - Room 213/215 and Zoom (PW: 687914)
Led by: David Carroll and David Skove

Join us for expository Bible teaching of 1 Peter in the tradition of “Inductive Bible Study.” I Peter deals with separation, suffering, persecution, hope, courage and above all: the true grace of God. Our teachers ask the three classic questions of each text: (i) what does it say; (ii) what did it mean to them (the original audience); and (iii) what does it mean to us? This class is centered on understanding and applying God’s Word for his glory and our growth as his people. All ages and backgrounds are encouraged to attend. Our study will be engaging wherever you are in your Christian walk.


Sundays, 10:00 a.m., Fellowship Hall
Led by: Scott Armistead, Mark Sprinkle, Missy DeRegibus, Drew Cleveland, Derek Mondeau

In recent years American culture has experienced a profound shift among perspectives toward sexuality and gender. These evolving views are a source of confusion for many, and a challenge to the Church. We believe they are also an incredible opportunity to dive deeper into what the Gospel says about the nature of human identity and purpose


Sundays, 10:00 a.m., Room 217 and Zoom (PW: 223221)
Led by: LJ Jaworski

Jesus deserves to be known throughout the world. God has made it clear that we, his Church, are his plan to tell the world about Jesus, the best news of the universe! There is no Plan B. We have a place in God’s story. Sometimes it feels overwhelming to make Jesus known throughout the world, and it’s hard to know where to start. We can transform the world when we say yes to Jesus. There is still work to be done. Throughout all of Scripture, God is relentless about seeing his entire creation redeemed. Our world is so much more global than it used to be, and MomentumYes helps us maximize our opportunity to make Jesus known here, near, and far away.


Sundays, 10:00 a.m., 2nd Floor Conference Room, 500 Forest Avenue and Zoom (PW: 653629)
Led by: Derek Mondeau

The phrase 'gospel-centered' has become a popular buzzword in Christianity, but how many of us understand how the gospel shapes all of life? Just because we talk about the Gospel, does not mean we are being transformed by it. Through Scripture study, group discussions and practical activities this highly interactive class will help you apply the gospel to every aspect of your life, regardless of where you are in your spiritual journey.

Later Event: November 1
Afghan Refugee Sponsorship