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Spring Term: Sunday School & Other Offerings

  • Third Church 600 Forest Ave Richmond, VA 23229 USA (map)

Sunday Morning Discipleship classes

Sundays, March 6 - April 10
10:00 a.m.

The Truth about the American Church’s complicity in Racism - Part 1
Fellowship Hall
*Note: class begins March 13
Led by: Danny Avula, Bill Mims

This class will use the video series based on Jemar Tisby’s book the Color of Compromise. It will be a look back at a less-than-ideal past for those who want to help seek a more just and reconciling future. 

A Study of I Peter
Room 213/215
Led by: Dave Carroll, David Skove
Zoom Available

Join us for expository Bible teaching of 1 Peter in the tradition of “Inductive Bible Study.” 1 Peter deals with separation, suffering, persecution, hope, courage  and above all the true grace of God. 

MultiPurpose Room, Third Office Building, 500 Forest
Led by: Mary Damon

Join us for a study and discussion of Curt Thompson's Soul of Desire. We will discover "a powerful picture of the capacity of the believing community to reshape our imaginations, hold our desires and griefs together, and invite us into the beauty of God’s presence."

10 o’clock hour: opportunities for rest & connection

We want to give you a new opportunity to engage with your church community on Sundays through our 10:00 a.m. hour. We are launching new opportunities for rest, prayer, and connection with others, while maintaining our class offerings. Stick around or come early to take advantage of these new opportunities!

Outdoor Commons : Outdoors by the Playground

Catch up with friends or meet some new people! Head outside to our “commons” area by the playground where you’ll find patio heaters, coffee, and some friendly faces so you can build your relationships here at Third.

Quiet Room : Room 226

"In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.” Isaiah 30:15

This room is available for anyone who wants to read, reflect, journal, pray or even nap. Feel free to come and sit, knowing you will have time to yourself in silence and reflection.

Intercessory Prayer : Room 200

“I urge.. that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people” 1 Timothy 2:1

Join others to pray for the needs of our church, city and world. Show up once or every week!