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Congregational Meeting

Please join the whole family of Third Church in the Sanctuary at 12:30 THIS SUNDAY, October 25, 2015, for a congregational meeting.  We'll be gathering to elect elders, deacons, and trustees to serve our body for the next three years, and we'll be joining in a "State of the Church" conversation with Lead Pastor Corey Widmer and the Strategic Planning Team. Corey will present some of the work that's been done to clarify and communicate our vision and direction, and there will be time for some Q&A. 

Raising up leadership from within our body and joining with one another in seeking God's direction are two important privileges of covenant partners of Third Church, so please plan to stay in (or come back to) the Sanctuary after our 11:15 worship to be part of moving forward together.

Earlier Event: October 25
Welcome Coffee
Later Event: October 25
2nd Grade Bible Presentation and Dinner