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Christmas Eve


Registration to attend in person is now closed, but we invite you to join us online!

This year, we are celebrating Christmas Eve with a total of 5 services across December 23rd and 24th. All services on Christmas Eve will also be live-streamed!

Download the worship guides

DECEMBER 23: 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall (This is a change!)
This services will be festive and reverent, ushering in Christmas with our favorite carols, the Christmas story, and candlelight.

CHRISTMAS EVE: 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall (Live-streamed)
This service is particularly suitable for our littlest ones as this service will follow be shorter (around 30 minutes).

CHRISTMAS EVE: 4:00, 6:00, & 8:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall (Live-streamed)
These services will be festive and reverent, ushering in Christmas with our favorite carols, the Christmas story, and candlelight. Good for young and old, alike! We will be celebrating communion during the 8:00 p.m. service.

For those who have registered to attend in person: These services will take place in the Fellowship Hall and be subject to the same guidelines we follow every Sunday: registration is required, and masks and social distancing measures in place.

If you sign up for a service and need to cancel or change your reservation, please get in touch with Valerie Holland:

Earlier Event: December 14
Women's Advent Popups