If you are looking for deeper and more significant conversations with others, especially in connecting over the struggles of life, join us for this workshop!
This training is a one-day introduction to the foundational principles of The Barnabas Model, which considers the human heart and human relationships within a Biblical framework. Barnabas staff counselors offer lectures that explore our longings as human beings, our inherent dignity and depravity, our efforts to manage our inevitable disappointments, and the hope that the love of God brings to the broken world.
The content includes lectures and an interactive small group experience, plus a take-home reflection to practically apply the principles to one real-life friendship. Barnabas Basic offers an excellent introduction to our multi-level Barnabas Training Groups, which equip people to pursue redemptive conversations with others who are facing difficult times in life and faith.
Saturday, February 10
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Third Church at Regency
This seminar, led by Barnabas Center staff, will greatly help you get started taking conversations deeper and making them more effective in helping and supporting others.
Sign up on the Barnabas Center website:: $110 ($125 with lunch)
*Cost should not prohibit anyone from attending. Please reach out for scholarship info.
Call Ed Satterfield for more information or assistance with cost at 282-4645.