Listen to the fifth and final installment of our Advent series, Lo, He Comes! Corey preached on Isaiah 9:2-7 and the prophetic imagery of the Light.
Join us for the fourth Sunday of Advent, as we look at the imagery of the sign in Isaiah. This is the unexpected sign and gift of God to the world at Christmas. The baby. Emmanuel. God with us.
As we continue to look at the images of the Messiah described in Isaiah, this week we’ll looking at the Messiah as The Stream. We'll look at how this stream reminds us of hope in the midst of the deserts of our life.
Join us for the second week of Advent as we prepare our hearts for the coming King by looking at the Old Testament book of Isaiah. This week, we'll look at Isaiah 11:1-10, and "the shoot that will come from the stump of Jesse."
This Sunday we enter Advent, a season of preparation for welcoming the Christ Child at Christmas. During the four Sundays of Advent and on Christmas Eve we will meditate on passages from the prophet Isaiah. This Sunday we focus on “the mountain,” an image that points to God and His revelation.