Because prayer is an effective tool for the Kingdom but also our way to show glory to God, one of our greatest daily callings is to be a praying people.
Though we have a propensity to wander just as the Israelites did, we know that God's grace is ever present and faithful.
The people of God are those so thankful for God’s rescue that their hearts overflow with joy and generosity towards God and his work in the world.
Again and again, the Scriptures encourage us to trust and believe that God is faithful and that we can trust his provision for everything. He ever calls us from fear to faith.
After the Ten Commandments, God proceeds to outline the way He wants the people of Israel to arrange their social life with one another.
God is completely other than us in purity and power, yet He calls and equips us to be like Him--to be a holy nation.
Need to remember who you are and what you are called to do? Exodus 19 is a good place to come back to again and again.
The source of all callings is a God who confronts us with his holiness and love.
Exodus begins with the uncomfortable truth that God’s people are often a suffering people, yet a people with resources to respond to our suffering with hope.
Our series in Exodus concludes this week with a look at Exodus 40, the description of the completion of the tabernacle, and God’s dwelling within it. This is the culmination and conclusion to this book of a people in exile: God has come to dwell among them.