A New Curriculum for Family Ministry

Family Ministry is excited to be using the Tru curriculum for Sunday school this year.  This curriculum supports our desire for parents to be the primary spiritual nurturers of their children.  We have an amazing group of Sunday school teachers who diligently prepare the lessons each week, and we hope you will join us every Sunday, but also use these resources at home.  

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Prepare for Worship: Notes for services on September 7, 2014

Transformation & Our Relationship with God: Steve Hartman on Romans 12:1-2

The scriptures clearly speak about the Christian life as a changed life—of Christians as people who are in a process of transformation.  Yet many of us look within and ask, “Can I really change?" Join us as we think about the person you are becoming and how to know the transformation God intends to bring in each of us.      First Sermon in the Series Transformed Relationships 

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this-sundayRebecca Hatton
Prepare forWorship: Notes for Services on August 31, 2014

The Power of Remembering Who You Are: Steve Hartman on Luke 17:1-10 

Many things Jesus asks of his followers seem too difficult, if not impossible. Jesus addressed this issue with a surprising parable of a Master and slave, which we'll explore together. When we remember who we are and who God is, we'll see that we really can do what Jesus asks, even when we think we can't.

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Becoming a woman of God

That's the goal of our community of women at Third Church--to seek God more fully and serve each other and our communities in the name of Christ.  Watch this space for future posts!

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WomenBecca Payne
Worship is a Way of Life

We meet the Lord each Sunday through prayer, music, giving, study of the Bible, and celebration of the sacraments, but our worship continues as we go into the world to proclaim and work for God's Kingdom.  

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WorshipGuest User