Strategic Planning Update: May 2016

Just a few short months ago, we rearranged our Sunday morning schedules so we could meet together as a church family, to discuss the outcomes of our 10-month TAG consulting process. Since then, many individuals have been hard at work planning, praying and organizing around what we learned from that process.

I’ve attached a brief video here with the latest update from our Strategic Planning committee, and the work that’s being done—as we speak!—around our new focus statement and the strategic initiatives we came away with. For a refresher on what we presented in January, click here.

Like I mentioned in the video, we’ve put together this PDF you can download  for a quick summary of this update, and also so you too can be praying for this work. Prayer is the foundation of this work, so will you join us in praying for the Strategic Planning committee, the co-chairs, and the work that will be done?

Becca Payne