Praise God for a fantastic Blood Drive and Stop Hunger Now Event!
Thanks to all who volunteered their time, talents, resources, and blood for yesterday's events. Together we packed over 100,000 meals, donated enough funds to cover all of those and make an additional donation to SHN, and collected more than 50 pints of blood. Stay tuned for stories and photos from the events!
Stop Hunger Now
Hairnets to Stop Hunger!
Everyone I talk to who has participated in a Stop Hunger Now event talks about the hairnets!
What’s so exciting about a hairnet? Picture a room filled with over 200 people, both young and old sporting these hairnets, packing meals together with the shared goal of helping others. In addition to hairnets, people also talk about working side-by-side as a congregation to bring these 100,000 meals to the people of Haiti.
Stop Hunger Now serves nutritiously sound meals fortified with 21 essential vitamins and nutrients. If you’re wondering about the impact that our congregation can make, Citihope’s country director in the Dominican Republic says, “We consider this not to be ‘charity’ but a real investment in humanity. The school and orphanage programs help our country so much by creating a future of responsible citizens that contribute to the improvement of our society. These children come from families that cannot supply even one meal a day for their children and don’t understand the purpose of education. So the motivation comes from the food! These SHN donations are a defining component that heals a nation, multi-dimensionally.”
– Britten Parker
What can you Do?
• Package meals on Saturday, January 24. There will be two shifts, 8:30 a.m.-noon and then 12:30- 3:30 p.m. We will need about 200 people for each shift.
• Set up on Friday evening, January 23, from
7-8 p.m. and/or clean up on Saturday from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Sign-ups for time slots on Sundays in the Steeple Corridor and Commons.
We need to raise $30,000 to cover the costs of the meal ingredients. You can contribute and sign-up to help via the link below.
Questions? E-mail Andi Redmond or call her at 741-6128.
American Red Cross Blood Drive
You could be someone’s hero! Every two seconds someone needs blood, and the American Red Cross is the predominant supplier of blood to Richmond area hospitals, providing 90% of blood.
If you think you are not eligible to give, you may be surprised. To donate, you should feel healthy, bring a donor card or photo ID, be at least 17 years old (or 16 with signed parental consent) and weigh at least 110 pounds. Some additional weight requirements apply for donors 18 years and younger.
The donation process takes about 45 minutes, and especially if you’re going to be at Third the same day for Stop Hunger Now, consider participating and giving the gift of life in two different ways.
Red Cross staff will be in the basement to make sure the process is easy.
If you'd like more information about the process or the vital role of this service in our region, go to
Our goal is to pre-register at least 75 donors in advance so that we have adequate staffing on hand. To register to donate, or if you have questions, e-mail Elizabeth Conner or call her at 804-516-0186.
To register on-line, click HERE, and click on the "BY DISTANCE" tab to find the Third Church drive. You'll need to create an account or sign-in if you've given before. This is page you should see:
Or, for another perspective on the importance of donating blood, watch the video below.