Prepare for Worship: Notes for Services on February 8, 2015
Youth Sunday
Value Driven: Genevieve Pacious, Daniel Koontz and Jenna Brown on 1 Timothy 4: 8-10
Genevieve Pacious, Daniel Koontz, Jenna Brown
Godliness takes effort. Though we are sinners in desperate need of God's redemptive grace through Jesus, and while God's grace is freely given to us by no work of our own, we do have a role to play in what we become. Christians labor and strive toward Godliness not to earn salvation but because we have salvation in Jesus; our service--our labor and striving--is our response to his great work and love, God continuing to work in us and through us to point others to Jesus.
““Godliness...has unlimited value, for it is that life in the power of the Spirit in which the ‘whole’ believer, in body and spirit, comes to experience the resurrection life of Christ.” ”
In addition to our student preachers, youth will be serving on the worship teams and participating in the liturgy in all three Sunday morning services, guided in their preparations by Associate Pastor Rick Hutton. Their names are listed in the Worship Bulletins next to each element of the service.
1 Timothy 4: 8-10
8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and and the life to come. 9 This is a trustworthy saying, that deserves full acceptance. 10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put out hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.
Why We Have Youth Sunday:
Pastors who work with students often hear "The youth are the future of the church." It's a true statement, and one that gives us hope as we consider the enthusiasm for Jesus and passion to be part of what God is doing we see in so many of the young people in the church. But it is important to remember that the youth are the "right now" of the church, too--an important part of our community doing real missional work today. Our students participate in worship, help with younger children, and go on mission trips throughout the year.
On Youth Sunday, we take the chance to highlight our students and ask them to take a leading role in our worship services, sharing their desire to be witnesses for Jesus, showing people what Christ is doing in them and through them, and reminding all of us that God works and speaks through people of all ages. Youth Sunday is a Sunday where God's people can be encouraged for the future and for right now.
Welcome, Brooke!
Our worship leader for the 9:00 AM service this week is Brooke Winters. Brooke is a previous worship intern of East End Fellowship and an experienced worship leader. Please welcome her to our community!
Worship Guides for Sunday's Services can be viewed by clicking the service names, below:
9:00 AM Convergent Service in the Sanctuary