Peculiar Children Indeed

My family is reading "Mrs. Peregrine's School for Peculiar Children" together this summer. Not just the four of us living under this roof, but my whole extended family – all three generations of us. We'll be discussing it next time we're all together.

The book is an interesting read – I enjoyed the entire trilogy. Maybe you would, too.

Without going into plot details, it's a work of fiction about a group of children with peculiar qualities – some physical, some behavioral – that set them apart from the culture of "normals." One girl can create fire with her hands. One boy is invisible. Another girl floats.

I was most of the way through the second book of the trilogy when it occurred to me that the community of "peculiar children" could stand in for The Boy's community of "differently abled" kids. How they support each other. How they recognize their differences. How they take them in stride.

And then I came across a quote that really made my heart sing.

The main character, Jacob, came to the realization that he, and all the other children, weren't peculiar because they lacked something normal children had. They were peculiar because they had something additional. They were not "less," they were "more."

That's what I notice about The Boy. And about his wonderfully weird tribe of friends: they are MORE.

The Boy is "fearfully and wonderfully made." He is peculiar, indeed. And I wouldn't have it any other way. 

Through the Roof

A Blog Supported by the Mosaic ministry of Third Church, ECO

"Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on." (Mark 2:3-4)

About: This is a blog about accessibility, intimacy, and community. About being welcome.  It’s also about bringing up The Boy. He's 11 years old and has cerebral palsy. Also popping up are The TeenGirl, who just turned 13, and The Mom, who is awesome. It's written by The Dad. It's my words, my view. Other people will think differently and have different opinions. Good.