Pastor Fred Wantaate preaching this Sunday

Fred and Sabrina Wantaate

Fred and Sabrina Wantaate

If you've been at Third Church for a while you may remember our pastor-in residence from 2006; if you're new, you'll be delighted to meet Fred Wantaate and his wife Sabrina, who are returning to Third this week. You'll also be hearing from Pastor Wantaate on Sunday, as he'll be delivering the message during our morning services.

Fred Wantaate pastors Makarere Full Gospel Church, a large university church in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda.  Makarere has planted hundreds of churches in Uganda and beyond, and in 2009 Rev. Steve Hartman went to Uganda to do ministry with Fred.  Steve preached at Makere Full Gospel Church and went to western Uganda for a week for a very large pastor’s conference, speaking together with Pastor Wantaate and another African-American evangelist all week long.  

While Fred and Sabrina were with us in Richmond last time, he not only taught from the pulpit for three Sundays, but also spoke at youth group, various bible study groups, and other occasions when the people of Third gathered together.  It was a blessed time of teaching, sharing and learning together.  This time Fred is in the States this time as part of his PhD work at Regent University, but will still get to spend over a week in Richmond.  Steve is personally very excited about Fred's visit, and says, "I believe God will once again bless us through these devoted Christians."

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