We've Moved to Our New Sunday Morning Schedule!



 Three services all with common style and form in the Sanctuary:
8:45a.m., 10:00a.m. & 11:15a.m.


Join us for a short time of communion and prayer every Sunday at 8a.m. in Room 101, next to the Sanctuary.


Discipleship and Fellowship

Beginning June 14 at 10a.m.

Food, Fellowship, and Coffee: Join us in the Fellowship Hall for conversations, snacks, and community news!

9:45 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

The Epistles of John:  What Makes You Think That You Are Right?
Led by Rev. Nan and Boyd Clarke. Room 101.

In the first century, the Church came under pressure from diverse groups as it began to define the orthodoxy that has characterized it through two millennia. One such group were the Gnostics , whose dualist theology in a variety of guises has troubled the Church for centuries. In this context, John addresses the question that many both within and without the Church may ask - “How come you are so certain that you are right?”  In doing so, he develops what philosophers call an “epistemology”, trying to answer the question “ how do you know that you know?” Studying the epistles of John then has a rather contemporary feel, providing an answer from orthodox historic Christianity to modern anxieties about belief and the question of certitude.

Sermon Chat
Led by elders and hosted by Tom Barila. Room 217

Join us for lively discussions as we chat about the biblical text used in the sermon, the preacher’s main themes, and areas for personal application. An ideal and comfortable environment for those who want to go deeper with the Bible text, ask questions, and meet new folks. Our Elders will be leading the series.

Sticky Faith!
Facilitated by the Student Ministry Committee in the Student Ministry Area.

If you are interested in the faith development of children and students of Third, and how YOU can foster it, please make plans to attend “Sticky Faith: Not Just For Parents” this summer. Keeping in line with Third’s Faith Milestones, this is a powerful opportunity to learn how we can help our young members with the most important part of their development

Hosted by Tim Latham

We’ll be meeting for brunch at 11:30 to discuss the sermons and the happenings of everyday life. Contact Tim Latham for more information.

FOR CHILDREN: June 14-July 26, 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

Little Lambs & Little Lions (2 year olds to young 4s):

We'll combine these classes for the summer in the Little Lambs room – Room 103 - for a complete Sunday School lesson.

Little Eagles (4-5 year olds) and Kindergarten:

Drop off and pick up your child in room 223 for Sunday school.

1st-6th Grade: 

Drop off in basement for Sunday school. 

There will be no Sunday School in August, but there WILL BE CHILDCARE: Little Lambs and Little Lions will continue to meet in room 103.  Little Eagles and Kindergartners will meet in room 223.

Childcare during the 8:45 a.m. & 11:15 a.m. services:

– Infants – Room 104

– Toddler 1 – Room 109

– Toddler 2 – Room 105

– 2s, 3s and young 4s (Little Lambs and Little Lions) – Room 103

– 4s-Kindergarten – Attend 8:45 service with parents and during Noisy Offering, they will be led to room 223 for play, snack and story time. During the 11:15 service, take your child directly to room 223 for play, snack and story time.

– 1st-6th – attend worship with parents

Contact Kathy White  or Tracie Meadows with questions.


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