May 27: Next Steps for June


We are writing to update you on Third’s ministry plans for the month of June 2020 in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the past month, our team has been monitoring the trends in our region, talking with experts, and regularly consulting with local physicians, as well as Third member Dr. Danny Avula, Director of Public Health for Richmond City and Henrico County. The Trustees of Third have assessed our plans through the legal and liability lens, and the Session of Third has approved these decisions in light of our church’s overall mission and vision. 

As you know, on May 15th Virginia went into Phase 1 for reopening. After careful study, we are not convinced that now is the safest or wisest moment to reinstate in-person Sunday services. We know that multi-generational gatherings in enclosed spaces, with collective speaking and singing, is one of the activities with highest risk for viral transmission. Not only that, were we to attempt to regather in the sanctuary, the restrictions that would be required to do so safely (screening, limited attendance, social distancing, facemasks, no childcare or restrooms) would create an experience that we believe is far inferior to what we are able to provide at the moment with on-line worship and small group gatherings. Our recent congregational survey also showed that more than 75% of you are not prepared to re-gather for in-person worship at this time. So, for at least the month of June, we will continue to meet together online on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. for worship.

That being said, we also recognize the profound, God-created need that all of us have for in-person connection and relationships. For that reason, we are recommending simple, but meaningful ways to begin gathering in small, safe groups to worship, connect and serve. Remember that the main way the early church met and spread was through households- smaller gatherings of people connecting together in homes and neighborhoods. “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them,” Jesus said (Matthew 18:20). What an opportunity for us to embrace that vision of a Jesus-centered, relationship-based community! As we often recall, church is not a place where you go, but a people who go. We can continue to follow our spiritual rhythms of Up, In and Out, even in this time of displacement. 

Here is our plan for June:

 Up — Connecting with God in Worship

We’ll continue to offer online worship every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. We also recommend, if you are comfortable and have no underlying health conditions, you begin to gather with one or two other households or families for home worship (gatherings up to 10 people in Virginia’s Phase 1 Reopening). This could involve simply viewing the online service together, or it could be leading your own service of worship with the materials for home worship that our staff will now be providing each week. We’ll also be offering more online classes in June, including one to support parents in quarantine. Corey or another leader will continue to offer midday prayer via Zoom and Instagram Live on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at noon. 

 In — Connecting with one another in community

We recommend that in June you look for simple ways to connect with one another for fellowship, encouragement and prayer. Our Parish Groups are designed to be geographic based communities for care and spiritual growth. Most Parish Groups will be too large to gather in Phase 1, but we recommend exploring other ways to gather portions of the group, such as one or two families who may live close to one another, or gender specific meetings.  If you are not in a Parish Group, you can email Lauren Luck at, and she can get you connected. But you don’t even need a Parish Group to make an authentic connection! You can simply reach out to a friend or family in the church for a walk or hangout. Call or write someone that is alone or isolated. Of course, many Parish Groups will also continue to meet via Zoom. Make June a month where you look to experience life-giving relationships through new, small connections with fellow believers. 

 Out — Connecting with our neighbors in mission

As the weather gets warmer and people spend even more time outdoors, this is a remarkable opportunity for us to love and serve our neighbors in the name of Christ. If you haven’t done so yet, sign up to “adopt your block,” committing to pray and serve your local neighbors. With your Parish Group, brainstorm ways that you might serve your neighbors, whether through a drive-by party, an outdoor art show, or delivering groceries. Let’s not waste this moment to be the light of Christ to our city! 

What comes next?

When it comes to July, we can only speculate, not knowing how the situation will develop. It may be possible for us to restore in-person worship on Sundays, but we will have to take great care to ensure that whenever we regather it is done in a way that is safe and wise. Our team will be continuously assessing the situation, and will communicate closer to the time.

We know that some of you may be anxious to get back to Sunday worship as normal. We are too. But we are grateful that the Spirit connects us in our common mission, even as we are physically separated. Thank you for your prayers, patience and encouragement.

In Christ,
Third Church COVID-19 Response Team*


  • Online worship every Sunday at 10:00 a.m.
  • Household worship with one or two other families


  • Gather with portions of your Parish Group
  • Reach out to someone for a walk or conversation


  • Sign up to adopt your block
  • Do at least one activity with your Parish Group to serve local neighbors

* Corey Widmer, Ed Satterfield, Alan Ware, Valerie Holland, Andi Redmond, Stephanie Holt, Kirk Vogel, and Dr. Dan Foster

Chris Porter