Holy Week Services and Events

Lent draws to a close with Holy Week, when we mark the events from Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem until his death and burial, and culminate our season of repentance and reflection with a joyful celebration of his resurrection on Easter morning.  Look below for brief descriptions of all the opportunities to be still before God and find fellowship with other followers of Christ during the last seven days before Easter.

Saturday, March 28

Children's Easter Egg Hunt

Join us for an Easter Egg Hunt for families of kindergartners and younger. We begin at 10:00am at the farm of Christina and James Olmsted, 1633 Devon Way, Manakin-Sabot, VA 23103.

Included, in the activities will be stations you can visit with your child to share the events leading up to the Resurrection. Invite a friend or neighbor. Bring a picnic lunch and Easter basket. Drinks and dessert will be provided. This is a free event, but registration is required so we can plan accordingly.  Click HERE to let us know you're coming.

Sunday, March 29

Palm Sunday Services

Our usual schedule of worship at 9:00 and 11:15 continues on Sunday morning as Corey Widmer preaches the next sermon on the Seven deadly Sins series: "From Wrath to Peace."  Click HERE for details on the services.

Special Sunday School Service for Kids

Children ages 4 through fourth grade will participate in a special Palm
Sunday School worship service from 10:15am-11:05am. Third member Lori Welander will share the message of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and children will be led in worship by Jimey Ames! We invite parents to attend this Sunday School service with their children. 

Wednesday, April 1

Lenten Prayer

Come to the final Lenten prayer time in Third’s Sanctuary on Wednesday from 11:15am-12:45pm. Journal, reflect, and listen. There will be a creative prompt for meditation and a short prayer liturgy will take place at noon.  For more on this time of reflection, click HERE.

Thursday, April 2

Maundy Thursday Worship Service

Corey Widmer will preach on “Seven: From Lust to Love” at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary. This message will not be appropriate for children, but we will have nursery and childcare available for all ages.  Communion will be served, and there will be special choral music in the service.  Click HERE for full details.

Friday, April 3

Good Friday Worship

A short worship service with a message by Nan Clarke and acoustic music will be held at noon in the Sanctuary. A Lenten Luncheon ($5) will follow in the Fellowship Hall at 12:30.  Click HERE for the Worship Guide.

Journey to the Cross

A personal experience of Jesus’ final hours, from betrayal to burial. Come any time from 1:00-8:00pm, starting in the steeple corridor. Indoor and outdoor artistic presentations will provide multi-sensory experiences and guide your reflections. Suitable for children and adults.   For more details, click HERE.

April 5

Sunrise Service

Greet Easter Day at a service with East End Fellowship and other East End Churches. 7:00am, Chimborazo Park Gazebo.

Resurrection Sunday Services

We'll celebrate the risen Lord with FOUR services Easter Morning: two concurrent worship services at 9:00am and two at 11:15am in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall.   Click HERE for details on the services.

Corey Widmer will preach “From Death to Life,"  concluding our series on the Seven Deadly sins with a message of God's rescuing and transforming power.  Easter music will be provided by the Sanctuary Choir and Alleluia during both Sanctuary services. We will have nursery and classes for children from birth to Grade 6. Refreshments will be available in the courtyard in between the services from 10:15-11:00am. No adult classes this day.

Bring bells or bell-like instruments to Sunday worship to celebrate the resurrection with jubilation!

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