Daily Course Correction by Noah Hutchinson

This Month in HomeFront

Homefront Magazine is a wonderful resource for parents at Third, linked to our current Sunday school curriculum and full of activities and encouragement for us as we build a solid foundation of faith in our children, and as we, too, are growing in faith in Jesus Christ.  It's available as a free digital version to all Third families, and we strongly encourage parents to use it for encouragement, activities and conversation starters with their kids.  Sign up to have a copy delivered to your email inbox every month by visiting their website.


Jogging or cycling in the winter is like choosing double pain: the pain of exercise and the pain of extreme weather. Maybe I fear cold weather exercise because I live in Texas and I do not have the right clothing to stay warm. I wore four layers on my last ride. Perhaps I can blame my lack of cold weather gear on the fact that I am still trying to develop a lifestyle of exercise. I mean, I am still wearing jogging shorts from high school. Whatever the case, cycling or jogging in the cold weather is painful, and I need some help staying on track. I find the same is true of being a dad. It is so hard to fully say yes to God’s path because it is so easy to live in fear, blame our lack of tools, or choose the wrong course. 

I have two little girls, and there is nothing I would not do to love and protect my children. However, I find I have to work a little harder to consciously choose to stay on track and make wise spiritual choices. 

When I choose God’s path, I choose it for my children too. God’s correct course for me to connect with Him each day includes three things: worship, Word, and prayer. 

Worship. When I begin my day by taking my eyes off self and others, I choose to let the upper story God is writing be my circumstantial reality. Even one or two songs of worship music off my iPhone allow my heart’s attention to be directed rightly and keep me on track. 

Word. God’s Word builds us up and provides foundational truths to rest on and live from. Finding a Bible reading plan or simply opening up the Scriptures daily helps me find God’s path for my family’s life. 

Prayer. My time spent in prayer daily is incomparably more valuable than time spent elsewhere. Philippians 4:6 says the key to resolving anxiousness lies in our making our requests known to God from a thankful heart. 

Be reminded today of God’s path, and consider incorporating a new course for the sake of your children. Cold weather exercise is hard. Parenting is exponentially more challenging. Following God with our whole hearts so the ruts we carve direct our children first and foremost to Him is the hardest challenge of all. I am thankful God offers us tools to use, His Spirit to help us to be able, and a faith community so we do not have to go at it alone.

--Noah Hutchinson