Connect3 is Under Way!

Wednesday Evening Fellowship returns with a new format.

See below for pictures from the Kick-off evening!

The Why:

We've launched an updated vision for our Wednesday evening time of fellowship this week, and wanted you to hear from Connect3 Coordinator Lynn Hardwicke about the vision that motivated the changes:

"There's something amazing that happens when  people gather in community around a table--old friends and new, our youngest happily tangled in around the grown-ups.  Our desire is that each Wednesday provide a time, place, and space for hearts to be encouraged and connections enriched. We hope it's a spot to unwind, unplug, and slow down.  Let kids have wholesome fun with the spirit laced into their gatherings.  Linger over comfort food and coffee. Our "renovations" make more room for re-fills of the mind and spirit, and encourage openness to new friendships and new members in our circles of connections."

We we expecting God moments each week!  As Eugene Petersen phrases it in the Message

"So let’s do it—full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching."  (Hebrews 10:25)

The What:

Dinners are created for us from scratch by our chef, Alfreda Beach, and we've extended the serving hours for those who can't make it early.  We will be serving dinner from 5:45-6:45pm so you can arrive later and still be guaranteed your dinner, IF you made your reservation online or called the church office by our Monday noon deadline.  You are, of course, welcome to decide to come at the last minute, but the kitchen crew is preparing only a few extra servings beyond reservations received.  

On the other hand, the new schedule also means this: if you're not ready to be finished eating before 7:00, you can come from work, enjoy teaching and fellowship and then head out for a late dinner with others to talk about what your heard and whom you met.

We've built in a bit of time to linger after the kids head off to class at 6:15, since adult classes start at 6:45. So come and partake of thirty minutes to have another cup of coffee, enjoy dessert and get to know others at Third.


Kids Jam Logo.jpg

Kids’ Jam for 1st–4th graders: designed to teach basic biblical knowledge and expose kids to missions while giving them time to form special friendships.  In an energetic, VBS-type format, they will learn the books of the Bible, the Ten Commandments and scripture songs, as well as hear missionary stories from around the world. 

•  Club 56 for 5th and 6th graders – Will meet from 6:15-7:15.

•  Students can participate in BandLab, the Aleluia Chorus (6:15-7:15), or sit in on Food for Thought at 6:45.


•  “Food for Thought” and more:  Adults can choose among several classes at 6:45, but may enjoy staying in the Fellowship Hall for “Food for Thought” – each week a new speaker will share on a topic for 15 minutes, with questions to discuss at your table afterwards.  Look for speakers such as Corey Widmer, Linda Allen, Fritz Kling, Fakhri Yacoub and more!

•  Refresh - Join young working women and/or young mothers for Bible study and for getting to know others in the same stage of life, concentrating on one book of the Bible.  No/low homework; lots of laughter and tears as life is shared (will meet every other week starting September 24).

For more details on this week's offerings, check out the calendar event here.



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