This week, we'll look at the beginning of our relationships with others, and how the essence of our personhood, as designed by our Creator, is inherently communal.
In the second week of our vision series, we're looking at the beginning of human identity in Genesis 1, and how we were created as image bearers of God and for the flourishing of his created order.
This week, we're starting a new vision sermon series, looking at the first two chapters of Genesis-- the ultimate beginning of all things. To start, we'll explore the beginning of all creation and how God deemed it all good.
In our last message of this four week series, we are looking at the Beginning of Work. As we’ve been saying throughout this month, we were all made for four key relationships: our relationship with God, self, others and creation. In this final message, we will learn about how God has called us to be cultivators and co-creators with him in our relationship to the created order.