Stories of the King 2: The Story of the Seed and Leaven

In our parable for this week -- the parable of the Seed and the Leaven-- Jesus explains that the Kingdom of God is indeed a force of power that can have dramatic impact in the world, but it is a small, unexpected, un-dramatic power. We'll explore the implications of this power in our lives, and how Jesus is the center of it. 

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Stories of the King 1: The Great Banquet

We're beginning our new series on the Stories of the King by looking at the parable of the Great Banquet. We'll see how this story challenges us to respond to God's invitation of grace, but also to make our lives look more like Jesus's. 

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One Another 7: Spur One Another On

The author of Hebrews gives us three images of our life in community – we are people who together draw near to God in faith, hold fast to our hope and spur one another on to love and good works. This Sunday, we’ll explore together why and how we must spur one another on to love and good works.

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One Another 6: Serve One Another

God has called us to live in community with one another but if we are putting ourselves first, the community will not be able to flourish. This week, we'll be exploring what it means to serve others, and how it's integral to fostering a flourishing community. 

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One Another 2: Live in Harmony with One Another

God created each of us differently but not so that we would ignore or dislike others but instead so that our differences would bless each other.  When we’re able to live this way we’ll see one of the hallmarks of Christian community and that is harmony.

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One Another 1: Love One Another

This Sunday, we start our new sermon series: How to “One Another” One Another. We’ll begin by laying the groundwork for this series and looking at what it means for the church to be a community.

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The Call of the King 4: Don't Look Back

On the road to Jerusalem, Jesus calls others to join him as disciples. In 9:51-62, we read of three encounters Jesus has with unnamed people on the road. This week we will explore what it means to follow Jesus as we read closely the three conversations Jesus has with these would-be disciples.

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The Call of the King 2: Lose Your Life

Most commentators see this passage in Luke as the central “hinge” that holds the two parts of Luke together. In the first part that we have been exploring since January, the central question is “Who is this man?” Jesus is teaching and behaving and acting in ways that evoke amazement and bewildered questions about his identity. Luke is building a case that this person is none other than the promised Messiah and the incarnate Son of God.

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