Posts in Sermon
Mary: A Song of Trust

This Sunday we’re continuing in our “Song of Christmas” series by looking at Mary’s song, often called The Magnificat. While Mary is often thought of as “meek and mild,” her song reveals her as a tenacious, courageous agitator who has put her hope in the promise of God, and anticipates a coming socio-political reversal that the Messiah will bring.

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Zechariah: A Song of Faith

I’m grateful for Justin Earley’s sermon this Sunday that reminded us of the great themes of this Advent season: darkness, waiting and light. We’ll continue to reflect on those themes this Sunday we we look at the next Song of Christmas from Luke 1:67-80, Zechariah’s song.

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The Way of Tov: Mercy

Together, we’ll look at what it means to "love mercy." Mercy is the Hebrew word Hesed, which means loving-kindness, faithfulness, or loyal love. We'll look at the ways God shows hesed to us, and then calls us to people of hesed to one another and our neighbors.

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God’s Joy

This Sunday, we'll wrap up our summer series "Taste and See" with the culminating image of food in the Bible: the wedding feast of the Lamb in Revelation 19.

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God’s Hospitality

This Sunday we’ll continue our Taste and See series by looking at a story of the early church from Acts 2. Many have commented how often Jesus is going to meals, eating meals, or coming from meals in the four Gospels. So it is no surprise that when we look at the early church in the book of Acts, they are doing a lot of eating! Very quickly, the meal became a focal practice in the early church for participating in Jesus’ work of salvation. We’ll talk this week about why the common meal was so important in the early church and why it is a vital practice for our life together today.

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God’s Restoration

This Sunday, we'll be looking at a fascinating meal that the resurrected Jesus shares with Peter and a few other disciples in John 21. This story has so much to say about shame and grace, about guilt and restoration.

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God’s Grace

This week Nan Clarke will be looking at the final Passover meal that Jesus’ disciples share with him, a meal that marks a dramatic and unexpected new direction in God’s story.

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