Posts in Sermon
Swallowed by Life

This Sunday, we’ll continue our study of 2 Corinthians by looking at the first part of chapter 5. Derek Mondeau will be preaching on the good news of Easter that our mortal bodies are already being swallowed up by resurrection life!

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Treasures in Clay Jars

The passage this week is probably one of the most famous of the whole book. Paul’s metaphor of having “treasure in clay jars” is a powerful image that communicates what it means to have tremendous power (the treasure of the gospel and the Holy Spirit) in such apparent weakness (the “clay jar” of our mortal bodies).

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The God of All Comfort

This Sunday we kick off a series on 2 Corinthians titled “Power In Weakness.” We’ll look at Paul’s counter-cultural invitation to see that real power comes not through strength but through weakness. As Jesus’s resurrection triumph comes through apparent defeat of the cross, so now the cross and resurrection gives us the basic pattern for the Christian life.

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Fear Not!

This Sunday we’re privileged to hear from Fakhri Yacoub, pastor of our sister congregation the Christian Arabic Church. Fakhri will be preaching about the difference Jesus’ resurrection makes to help us overcome fear.

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Self-Control in a Time of Self-Fulfillment

This week we’ll look at the fruit of self-control. Under the leadership of Jesus and his Spirit we can order and direct our desires toward that which we were made: love of God and neighbor. This is not about self-mastery, but living in step with and empowered by the Spirit to be the redeemed people God has created us to be.

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Patience in a Time of Restlessness

This week we look to our next fruit of the spirit: patience. In a time when we are weary and anxious, patience exhorts us to endure what suffering may befall us without retaliation or revenge, and to put up with the weaknesses of others without getting too angry or irritated. In these ways, patience, as we’ll explore together this weekend, is about both our long-suffering, our forbearance and our faithful love and care for the people around us.

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Peace in a Time of Conflict

This Sunday we look at the spiritual fruit of peace. Biblical peace is not really defined as inner state of calm, which is the way we moderns tend to understand it. Biblical peace is more about “wholeness” or “completion,” a state of right relationships between God and others. It is something God accomplishes for us, but then it is also something we pursue in community with others.

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