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Journey to the Cross


A Personal experience of Jesus' final hours
Friday, April 14
1:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Despised. Betrayed. Denied. Scourged. Condemned. Crucified. Buried.

This Good Friday, come take a prayerful and reflective walk through Christ's last hours. Start in the Steeple Corridor at 600 Forest Avenue, where you'll pick up a guide that directs you to the indoor and outdoor artistic installations providing multi-sensory experiences and guided reflections suitable for adults and children. 

Building on the past three years of Journey to the Cross, these interpretations start in the Upper Room, and follow through the Garden of Gethsemane, betrayal, arrest, condemnation, scourging, crucifixion, and entombment of Christ. Go at your own pace, asking God to speak to you through the solemn remembering of this series of events.

This year will include special journey point guides for Arabic speakers and guides for children as well. 

Artistic representations created by Val Kling, Betsy McCray, Beth Nichols, Holly Smith, Mark Sprinkle, Tracie Meadows. 

Earlier Event: April 14
Good Friday Service